Let´s face the future together - Our philosophy
One especially important aspect of the IRM management network philosophy is the high standard it sets for treating customers as partners in a common network. Open communication structures and a collaborative and pragmatic search for the best solutions are attributes of a collaboration based on trust. Move together with IRM into the future!

Making sound strategic decisions
The performance potential of business processes and company decisions depends to a great extent on the quality and availability of the necessary information. In the information age, there are sources in abundance. However, these retained “reserves” of data are only worthwhile if data availability leads to better decisions that more than offset the costs of data acquisition, storage, security and maintenance. These processes focus on the evaluation of data.
Short: Important information needs to be available at the right time, at the right place and be assured to have the required quality.
IRM pursues this goal daily by confronting the informational challenge with easy-to-understand and powerful IT and management concepts. Evolving from these principles are comprehensive concepts that the customers of IRM especially appreciate - IT technological, business management and process orientation customized to company requirements.
- Management information: At the right time and the right place
- Understandable, powerful IT and management concepts
- Together in the network – Together into the future
Measures for the avoidance of corruption
IRM Management Network GmbH has decided to establish an anti-corruption programm and to develop corresponding guidelines. These are supported by all employees.
The following guidelines form the basis:
- ABC Policies and Procedures (Anti Bribery & Corruption)
- FCPA Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (US federal law prohibiting payments and gifts of value to foreign public officials)
- UK Bribery Act (ant-corruption law of the United Kingdom)
We gladly send these documents upon written request and legitimate interest.

Consulting and software solutions for the real estate industry
Do you have any questions reagarding IRM, our products and solutions? Contact us!